

Wow.  I am honored that you are taking the time to learn a little more about me, and who I am.  So, let me start with a warning…this is going to be longer than most “About Me” pages.

The Short Version

I am just a simple guy who gets bored easily and believes there is too much opportunity and adventure out there in this world of ours to be pigeonholed into doing any one thing in any one place.  My goal for this site is capture my journey of continuing to live my life based on my rules and have fun every step of the way.

Basically, I have just one goal: To live an epic life!

The Long Version

Not to sound corny, but I feel as though I am on a quest to become a modern day renaissance man.  In fact, I toyed around with the idea of naming this blog something along the lines of “Modern Renaissance Man.”

The reason for this is simple.  I am an incredibly curious person, who loves learning about all kinds of different subject matters.  I study, and learn about everything from personal defense, to creating multiple streams of income, to philosophy.  I go to conferences on investing in real estate, writing (both fiction and nonfiction), buying and selling physical businesses, and internet marketing, just to name a few.  As far as my reading interest goes, well, I pretty much will read anything but science fiction.  As I look at my bookshelf, I see everything from politics to business and investing, to how to survive the apocalypse , to poetry, and the mafia.

Over the course of my adult life, I have owned, or been a partner in, multiple pizzerias, a bar restaurant, a real estate sales business, a real estate investment company, a record production company, a title insurance company, and an e-commerce business.  My M.O. is I get involved in something until one of three things happen:  1) I get bored.  2)  I get really good at it.  3)  I lose a shit ton of money on it.  Once one of these things happen, I usually move on to something new.

I don’t put too much weight into formal education, and believe is self-learning instead.  It’s funny, because all through elementary school, I was a great student, usually receiving honors.  Come high school, everything changed.  I was really bored with the classes and many of my teachers.  I was never much of a fan for rules or authority.  I did just enough to get by, because I knew I could always fall back into my family business, which was pizzerias at the time.  In fact, to this day, my sister swears I bought my diploma.  After all, I went through all four years of high school with just one notebook that I used primarily to record my bets.  Did I mention that I love to gamble?  Actually, poker is the form of gambling I like the most.  I love the intellectual battle that a good game of poker can create).

What I did like was making money.  I had all kinds of side hustles going, as well as having a part time job, and working for my family on the weekends.  I guess you can say I began having entrepreneurial aspirations pretty early on.  I became a partner in my first pizzeria at the age of 18, thanks to my parents willingness to invest $30,000 in me.  I used that money to become a 1/3 partner in a store with my brother-in-law and his brother.  A year later, I bought his brother out, and was 50-50 partners.

That’s when I realized something.  I don’t think I could ever be an employee.  I don’t think I could ever work for someone else.  Working for myself gave me so much freedom to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it.

This was also when I began taking several vacations a year.  These were usually short, 4-5 day stints.  This is where I developed my love for travel.  Most of the time I would either travel alone, or with my girlfriend at the time.  Almost all my friends were in college, and either could not afford to travel, or weren’t able to miss classes.  To keep myself busy on one of the flights when I was traveling alone, I bought a business book.  It was called No Cash, No Fear, I believe.  That is what started this whole thing.  I didn’t put that book down the entire vacation.

As soon as I got back, I hit the book store (this was WAY before Amazon) and started buying books on business.  I used Barnes and Noble to create my own curriculum, and I became a self taught student.  I began applying the principles I was learning in my pizzeria, and we became more profitable.  This learning shit actually works, I thought to myself.  .  At one point, I bought and read a book called How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci.  From that point on, I was hooked on learning about everything any anything I had even a slight interest in.  You can say its become my addiction over the last two decades.

Now, I am finally at a point in my life where I over came a lot of struggles, both personal, business, and familial, and I realize that I have one goal…

I want to live an epic life.

I know, I know.  That is pretty generic.  I mean, what exactly does an epic life even look like?

Well, a lot of people probably will have a lot of opinions on what an epic life looks like.  Luckily for me, this is my site, so I get to go by my own definition.

To me, an epic life is the ability to be financially and location independent.

It’s the ability to pursue any opportunity, any passion, any fleeting curiosity.

Ultimately, it’s the ability to live life by my rules and no one else’s.

But the truth is, it’s a journey, not a destination.

Care to join me on it?